SROA is strictly more powerful that mem2reg
, since it can break up arrays and structures into SSA form. However, the core algorithm remains the same.
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module TransformMem2Reg(constructDominatorTree,
transformMem2Reg) where
import IR
import BaseIR
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified OrderedMap as M
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as PP
import PrettyUtils
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Graph
-- | The control flow graph, which is a graph of basic blocks
type CFG = Graph IRBBId
-- | Get the successors of this basic block
getBBSuccessors :: IRBB -> [IRBBId]
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstTerminal}) = []
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstRet _}) = []
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstBranch next}) = [next]
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstConditionalBranch _ l r}) = [l, r]
mkCFG :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -> CFG
mkCFG bbMap = Graph (M.foldMapWithKey makeEdges bbMap) where
-- Make the edges corresponding to basic block.
makeEdges :: IRBBId -> IRBB -> [(IRBBId, IRBBId)]
makeEdges bbid bb = map (\succ -> (bbid, succ)) (getBBSuccessors bb)
-- a dominator tree is a tree of basic blocks
newtype DominatorTree = Tree IRBB
-- BBId of the root node.
type EntryBBId = IRBBId
-- | Set of nodes that dominate a node.
type DomSet = S.Set IRBBId
instance Pretty a => Pretty (S.Set a) where
pretty = pretty . S.toList
-- | Map from a node to the set of nodes that dominate it
type BBIdToDomSet = M.OrderedMap IRBBId DomSet
initialBBIdToDomSet :: EntryBBId -> -- ^entry BB ID
[IRBBId] -> -- ^All BB IDs
initialBBIdToDomSet entryid ids = M.fromList (mapEntry:mapAllExceptEntry) where
-- entry block only dominantes itself
mapEntry :: (IRBBId, DomSet)
mapEntry = (entryid, S.fromList [entryid])
-- IDs other than the entry block
nonEntryIds :: [IRBBId]
nonEntryIds = filter (/= entryid) ids
-- list mapping basic block Ids to dominance sets
mapAllExceptEntry :: [(IRBBId, DomSet)]
mapAllExceptEntry = zip nonEntryIds (repeat allDomSet)
-- all nodes in the dom set
allDomSet :: DomSet
allDomSet = S.fromList ids
-- Get the predecessors of 'BBId' in 'Graph'
dominfoIterate :: EntryBBId -> -- ^Entry node ID
CFG -> -- ^Graph of BBs
BBIdToDomSet -> -- ^Previous dom info
BBIdToDomSet -- ^ New dom info
dominfoIterate entryid cfg prevdominfo = M.mapWithKey computeNewDom prevdominfo where
-- For the root node, DomSet_iplus1(root) = root
-- For a non-root node, DomSet_iplus1(n) = intersect (forall p \in preds(n) DomSet_i(p)) U {n}
computeNewDom :: IRBBId -> DomSet -> DomSet
computeNewDom id old = if id == entryid then old else computeNewNonRootDom id
-- compute the dom set of a node that is not the root
computeNewNonRootDom :: IRBBId -> DomSet
computeNewNonRootDom bbid = (combinePredDomSets ((getDoms . preds) bbid)) `S.union` (S.singleton bbid)
-- predecessors of id
preds :: IRBBId -> [IRBBId]
preds bbid = getPredecessors cfg bbid
-- combine all predecessor dom sets by intersecting them
combinePredDomSets :: [DomSet] -> DomSet
combinePredDomSets [] = error "unreachable node in domset"
combinePredDomSets ds = foldl1 S.intersection ds
-- get dominators of ids
getDoms :: [IRBBId] -> [DomSet]
getDoms bbids = map (prevdominfo M.!) bbids
getFirstAdjacentEqual :: Eq a => [a] -> a
getFirstAdjacentEqual as = fst . head $ dropWhile (\(a, a') -> a /= a') (zip as (tail as))
-- Map each basic block to the set of basic blocks that dominates it
constructBBDominators :: IRProgram -> BBIdToDomSet
constructBBDominators program = getFirstAdjacentEqual iterations where
-- iterations of domInfoIterate applied
iterations :: [BBIdToDomSet]
iterations = iterate (dominfoIterate entryid cfg) initdominfo
-- graph structure
cfg :: CFG
cfg = mkCFG (programBBMap program)
-- seed constructBBDominators
initdominfo :: BBIdToDomSet
initdominfo = initialBBIdToDomSet entryid bbids
-- ID of the root node
entryid :: IRBBId
entryid = programEntryBBId program
-- list of all basic block IDs
bbids :: [IRBBId]
bbids = M.keys (programBBMap program)
data DomTreeContext = DomTreeContext {
ctxBBIdToDomSet :: BBIdToDomSet,
ctxEntryId :: EntryBBId
-- | Returns the dominators of BBId
getBBDominators :: IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext DomSet
getBBDominators bbid = do
bbIdToDomSet <- reader ctxBBIdToDomSet
return $ bbIdToDomSet M.! bbid
-- | Returns the struct dominators of BBId
getBBStrictDominators :: IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext DomSet
getBBStrictDominators bbid = S.filter (/= bbid) <$> (getBBDominators bbid)
-- | Returns whether y dominates x
doesDominate :: IRBBId -> IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext Bool
doesDominate x y = do
bbIdToDomSet <- reader ctxBBIdToDomSet
return $ x `S.member` (bbIdToDomSet M.! y)
-- | Run a forall in a traversable for a monadic context
allTraversable :: (Foldable t, Traversable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m Bool) -> m Bool
allTraversable ta mpred = (foldl (&&) True) <$> (forM ta mpred)
-- | Return if the BBId is dominated by all bbs *other than itself* in others
isDominatedByAllOthers :: [IRBBId] -> IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext Bool
isDominatedByAllOthers others self =
allTraversable others(\other -> if other == self then return True
else doesDominate other self)
-- | Returns the immediate dominator if present, otherwise returns Nothing
getImmediateDominator :: IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext (Maybe IRBBId)
getImmediateDominator bbid = do
entryid <- reader ctxEntryId
if entryid == bbid then
return Nothing
else do
strictDoms <- S.toList <$> getBBStrictDominators bbid
idoms <- filterM (isDominatedByAllOthers strictDoms) strictDoms
case idoms of
[idom] -> return (Just idom)
[] -> return Nothing
_ -> error $ "*** found more than one idom:\n" ++ show (prettyableToString idoms)
foldMapM :: (Foldable t, Monad m, Monoid r) => t a -> (a -> m r) -> m r
foldMapM ta mfn = foldM (\monoid a -> (monoid Monoid.<>) <$> (mfn a)) mempty ta
-- newtype DomTree = DomTree { domTreeEdges :: [(BBId, BBId)] }
type DomTree = Graph IRBBId
-- | internal reader that is not exported
createDominatorTree_ :: Reader DomTreeContext DomTree
createDominatorTree_ = do
bbs <- reader (M.keys . ctxBBIdToDomSet)
idoms <- foldMapM bbs (\bb -> do
mIdom <- getImmediateDominator bb
case mIdom of
Just idom -> return [(idom, bb)]
Nothing -> return [])
return $ Graph idoms
-- | Construct the Dominator tree from the dominator sets and the entry BB
constructDominatorTree :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId DomSet -> EntryBBId -> DomTree
constructDominatorTree bbidToDomSet entrybb = runReader createDominatorTree_ (DomTreeContext bbidToDomSet entrybb)
-- | The `dominates` relation. Given two BB Ids, returns whether `a` dominates `b`
dominates :: DomTree -> IRBBId -> IRBBId -> Bool
dominates tree a b = b `elem` (getAllChildren tree a)
-- | Strictly dominates relation. `A` strictlyDom `B` iff `A` Dom `B` and `A` /= `B`
strictlyDominates :: DomTree -> IRBBId -> IRBBId -> Bool
strictlyDominates domtree a b = dominates domtree a b && a /= b
-- | Get the list of dominance frontiers of a given BB
-- | "The dominance frontier of a node d is the set of all nodes n such that d
-- | dominates an immediate predecessor of n, but d does not strictly dominate
-- | n. It is the set of nodes where d's dominance stops."
-- | TODO: think anbout why *an immediate preceseeor*, not *all immediate ...*.
getDominanceFrontier :: DomTree -> CFG -> IRBBId -> [IRBBId]
getDominanceFrontier tree@(Graph domedges) cfg cur =
[bb | bb <- vertices tree, any (dominates tree cur) (preds bb) , not (strictlyDominates tree cur bb)] where
preds bb = (getPredecessors cfg bb)
-- Get the names of all values allocated in a basic block
getBBVarUses :: IRBB -> [Label Inst]
getBBVarUses (BasicBlock{bbInsts=bbInsts}) =
bbInsts >>= \(Named name inst) -> case inst of
InstAlloc -> [name]
InstStore (ValueInstRef slot) _ -> [slot]
_ -> []
-- | Adjust possibly many keys
adjustWithKeys :: (Ord k, Foldable t) => (k -> a -> a) -> t k -> M.OrderedMap k a -> M.OrderedMap k a
adjustWithKeys f ks m = foldl (\m k -> M.adjustWithKey f k m) m ks
unsafeToNonEmpty :: [a] -> NE.NonEmpty a
unsafeToNonEmpty [] = error "unable to convert empty list to non empty"
unsafeToNonEmpty (x:xs) = x NE.:| xs
-- | For a given basic block, insert a phi node at the top
insertPhiNodeCallback_ :: CFG -> Label Inst -> IRBBId -> IRBB -> IRBB
insertPhiNodeCallback_ cfg lbl bbid bb@(BasicBlock{..}) =
bb {bbInsts=bbInsts'} where
bbInsts' :: [Named Inst]
bbInsts' = (lbl =:= phi):bbInsts
phi :: Inst
phi = InstPhi . unsafeToNonEmpty $ (zip ((getPredecessors cfg bbid)) (repeat (ValueInstRef lbl)))
-- | Place Phi nodes for a given instruction at a set of start CFGs. Initially, they should be the
-- | set of nodes that store to the original value
placePhiNodesForAlloc_ :: Label Inst -- ^Name of the original value
-> S.Set IRBBId -- ^BBs to process
-> S.Set IRBBId -- ^BBs that are already processed
-> CFG -- ^The CFG of the function
-> DomTree -- ^The dominator tree of the function
-> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -- ^Function body
-> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
placePhiNodesForAlloc_ name curbbs processed cfg domtree bbmap =
if null (curbbs)
then bbmap
else (placePhiNodesForAlloc_ name curbbs' processed' cfg domtree bbmap') where
cur :: IRBBId
cur = S.elemAt 0 curbbs
-- | For every basic block in the dominance frontier, insert a phi node.
bbmap' :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
bbmap' = adjustWithKeys (insertPhiNodeCallback_ cfg name) curfrontier bbmap
curbbs' :: S.Set IRBBId
curbbs' = (curbbs `S.union` curfrontier) S.\\ processed'
curfrontier :: S.Set IRBBId
curfrontier = (S.fromList $ getDominanceFrontier domtree cfg cur) S.\\ processed'
processed' :: S.Set IRBBId
processed' = (S.insert cur processed)
debugStr :: String
debugStr = docToString $ pretty "running for: " <+> pretty name <+> pretty "curbbs: " <+> pretty curbbs <+> pretty "cur: " <+> pretty cur <+> pretty "frontiner: " <+> pretty curfrontier
mapReverse :: (Pretty k, Pretty a, Ord k, Ord a) => M.OrderedMap k [a] -> M.OrderedMap a [k]
mapReverse m = M.fromListWith (++) [(a, [k]) | (k, as) <- M.toList m, a <- as]
-- References:
placePhiNodes_ :: CFG -> DomTree -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
placePhiNodes_ cfg domtree initbbmap =
M.foldlWithKey (\curbbmap name bbids -> placePhiNodesForAlloc_ name (S.fromList bbids) mempty cfg domtree curbbmap) initbbmap usesToBBIds where
bbIdToUses :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId [Label Inst]
bbIdToUses = fmap getBBVarUses initbbmap
usesToBBIds :: M.OrderedMap (Label Inst) [IRBBId]
usesToBBIds = mapReverse bbIdToUses
-- | Find wherever this variable is "declared". An Alloca or a Phi node is considered a declare
getVarDeclBBIds :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -> M.OrderedMap (Label Inst) [IRBBId]
getVarDeclBBIds bbs = M.fromListWith (++) $ do
(k :: IRBBId , bb) <- M.toList bbs
inst <- bbInsts bb
guard $ isDeclInst_ inst
return (namedName inst, [k])
isDeclInst_ :: Named Inst -> Bool
isDeclInst_ (Named instname inst) = case inst of
InstAlloc -> True
InstPhi _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | Rename all instructions in a basic block
renameInstsInBB :: Label Inst -- ^Old label
-> Label Inst -- ^New label
-> IRBB -- ^Basic Block to replace in
renameInstsInBB oldl newl (bb@BasicBlock{bbInsts=bbInsts}) = bb {
bbInsts=map replaceLabel bbInsts
} where
replaceLabel (Named lbl inst) = let lbl' = if lbl == oldl then newl else lbl
in (Named lbl' (replaceInstRef_ inst))
-- | Replace references to label in Inst
replaceInstRef_ :: Inst -> Inst
replaceInstRef_ inst = mapInstValue replaceValueInstRef_ inst
replaceValueInstRef_ :: Value -> Value
replaceValueInstRef_ (ValueInstRef lbl) =
let lbl' = if lbl == oldl then newl else lbl in ValueInstRef lbl'
replaceValueInstRef_ v = v
-- | Rename all instructions in the dom-set of a basic block
renameInstsInDomSet :: Label Inst -- ^Original label
-> Label Inst -- ^New label
-> BBIdToDomSet -- ^Dominator sets
-> IRBBId -- ^ID to BB to start from
-> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
-> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
renameInstsInDomSet l l' bbIdToDomSet bbid bbmap =
adjustWithKeys renamer domset bbmap where
domset :: S.Set IRBBId
domset = bbIdToDomSet M.! bbid
renamer :: IRBBId -> IRBB -> IRBB
renamer _ bb = renameInstsInBB l l' bb
-- -- | Take a map and create a unique mapping from a key to each value.
-- -- | Hold the old key in the place where the new key maps to
-- -- | Take a map and create a unique mapping from a key to each value
-- uniquifyKeys :: Ord k => (Int -> k -> k) -> M.OrderedMap k [a] -> M.OrderedMap k (k, a)
-- uniquifyKeys uniqf m = M.fromList $ M.foldMapWithKey (uniqifyPerKey_ uniqf) m where
-- uniqifyPerKey_ :: (Int -> k -> k) -> k -> [a] -> [(k, (k, a))]
-- uniqifyPerKey_ uniqf k as = foldMap (uniqifyPerKeyVal_ uniqf k) (zip [1..] as)
-- uniqifyPerKeyVal_ :: (Int -> k -> k) -> k -> (Int, a) -> [(k, (k, a))]
-- uniqifyPerKeyVal_ uniqf k (i, a) = [(uniqf i k, (k, a))]
data VariableRenameContext = VariableRenameContext {
-- | Map a name to the latest value that was stored in it.
-- | This is used to collapse load / store in a BB.
ctxVarToLatestStoreVal :: M.OrderedMap (Label Inst) Value,
-- | Function
ctxBBMap :: M.OrderedMap (IRBBId) IRBB
instance Pretty VariableRenameContext where
pretty (VariableRenameContext{..}) =
vcat [pretty "vartoval:", pretty ctxVarToLatestStoreVal]
-- -- | Bump up the count of a variable.
-- bumpUpCount :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext ()
-- bumpUpCount name = do
-- varToCount <- gets ctxVarToCount
-- -- If a value exists, bump it up. Otherwise set to 0
-- let count' = M.insertWith (\new old -> old + 1) name 0 varToCount
-- modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToCount=count'})
-- -- | Get the count of a variable.
-- getVarCount :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext Int
-- getVarCount name = do
-- modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToCount = M.insertWith (\new old -> old) name 0 (ctxVarToCount ctx)})
-- count <- gets (\ctx -> case M.lookup name (ctxVarToCount ctx) of
-- Just c -> c
-- Nothing -> error . docToString $ pretty "getVarCount, unknown name:" <+> pretty name)
-- return count
-- getLatestName :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext (Label Inst)
-- getLatestName name = do
-- count <- getVarCount name
-- return $ Label $ (unLabel name) ++ ".renamed." ++ show count
-- | Function to rename value based on the current rename counts
-- | If there is a value remapping from a "store", then use that
-- | If there is no remapping, then don't care
-- renameValue_ :: Value -> State VariableRenameContext Value
-- renameValue_ v@(ValueConstInt _) = return v
-- renameValue_ (ValueInstRef name) = do
-- varToValue <- gets ctxVarToLatestStoreVal
-- case M.lookup name varToValue of
-- Just val -> return val
-- Nothing -> ValueInstRef <$> getLatestName name
-- NOTE: this is a hack. The correct thing to do is to replace everything in the
-- BB that refers to this value.
renameStoredValue_ :: Value -> State VariableRenameContext Value
renameStoredValue_ v@(ValueConstInt _) = return v
renameStoredValue_ orig@(ValueInstRef name) = do
varToValue <- gets ctxVarToLatestStoreVal
case M.lookup name varToValue of
Just val -> do
if orig == val
then return val
else renameStoredValue_ val
Nothing -> return orig
getLatestStoredValue_ :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext Value
getLatestStoredValue_ lbl = gets (\ctx -> (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx) M.! lbl)
-- | Rename bindings in the RHS of an instruction.
variableRenameInstRHS :: Inst -> State VariableRenameContext Inst
variableRenameInstRHS inst = forInstValue renameStoredValue_ inst
-- | Rename bindings in the LHS of an instruction
-- variableRenameInstLHS :: Named Inst -> State VariableRenameContext (Named Inst)
-- variableRenameInstLHS namedInst@(Named name inst) = do
-- bumpUpCount name
-- curValToCount <- gets ctxVarToCount
-- name' <- getLatestName name
-- return (Named name' inst)
-- | Rename RHS & LHS of an instruction correctly
-- | Can return [] for instructions to be omitted
variableRenameInst :: Named Inst -> State VariableRenameContext [Named Inst]
variableRenameInst namedinst@(Named name inst) = do
case inst of
InstStore (ValueInstRef slot) val -> do
valNamed <- renameStoredValue_ val
modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=M.insert slot valNamed (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx)})
return []
InstLoad (ValueInstRef slot) -> do
loadedval <- getLatestStoredValue_ slot
modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=M.insert name loadedval (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx)})
return []
-- | For a phi node, all predecessors should map to phi node name.
-- | We have already rewritten the values incoming to the phi node,
-- | So all we need to do is fix preds.
InstPhi namebbpairs -> do
for namebbpairs (\(prevname, prevbbid) ->
modify (\ctx -> (ctx {ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=M.insert name (ValueInstRef name) (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx)})))
return [namedinst]
-- | We don't need allocs, so delete them
InstAlloc -> return []
_ -> do
-- | Rename RHS
(rhsrenamed :: Named Inst) <- forM namedinst variableRenameInstRHS
-- lhsrenamed <- variableRenameInstLHS rhsrenamed
return [rhsrenamed]
-- | Rename the return instruction
variableRenameRetInst :: RetInst -> State VariableRenameContext (RetInst)
variableRenameRetInst ret = forRetInstValue renameStoredValue_ ret
-- | Rename phi nodes in bb
variableRenamePhiNodes :: IRBBId -- ^Current BB Id
-> IRBBId -- ^Phi node BB Id
-> State VariableRenameContext ()
variableRenamePhiNodes curbbid phibbid = do
varToValue <- gets ctxVarToLatestStoreVal
phibb <- gets (\ctx -> (ctxBBMap ctx) M.! phibbid)
phiBBInsts' <- forM (bbInsts phibb) (\(Named name inst) -> (Named name) <$> (phiRenamer curbbid inst))
let phibb' = phibb {
modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxBBMap= M.insert phibbid phibb' (ctxBBMap ctx) })
-- | Rename only phi ndoes leaving other instructions
phiRenamer :: IRBBId -- ^ Current BB Id
-> Inst -- ^Instruction from the child BB
-> State VariableRenameContext Inst
phiRenamer curbbid (InstPhi philist) = InstPhi <$> (renamePhiList curbbid philist)
phiRenamer _ (inst) = return inst
-- | Rename bindings in a phi node
renamePhiList :: IRBBId -- ^ Current BB Id
-> NE.NonEmpty (IRBBId, Value) -- ^Phi node parameters
-> State VariableRenameContext (NE.NonEmpty (IRBBId, Value))
renamePhiList curbbid philist =
forM philist (renamePhiBinding curbbid)
-- | Rename a single binding in the phi node entry list
renamePhiBinding :: IRBBId -> (IRBBId, Value) -> State VariableRenameContext (IRBBId, Value)
renamePhiBinding curbbid (bbid, value) = (bbid,) <$> stateValue'
where stateValue' = if bbid == curbbid
then renameStoredValue_ value
else return value
resetVarMappings :: VariableRenameContext -> State VariableRenameContext ()
resetVarMappings parentctx = modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=ctxVarToLatestStoreVal parentctx })
-- | Rename all instructions and the return instructoin at a given BB
instructionsRenameAtBB :: IRBBId -> State VariableRenameContext ()
instructionsRenameAtBB curbbid = do
bbmap <- gets ctxBBMap
modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxBBMap= (ctxBBMap ctx) })
let curbb = bbmap M.! curbbid
bbInsts' <- mconcat <$> for (bbInsts curbb) variableRenameInst
bbRetInst' <- variableRenameRetInst (bbRetInst curbb)
let curbb' = curbb { bbInsts = bbInsts', bbRetInst = bbRetInst' }
let bbmap' = M.insert curbbid curbb' bbmap
modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxBBMap=bbmap' })
-- 1. rename instructions
-- 2. rename phi nodes of children in CFG
-- 3. follow process into children of dominator tree
-- TODO: fold current BBId into the state or something, this is a HUGE mess.
-- | Like seriously, I hate myself a little for *writing* this bastard.
variableRenameAtBB :: CFG -> DomTree -> IRBBId -> State VariableRenameContext ()
variableRenameAtBB cfg domtree curbbid = do
parentctx <- get
-- | Rename all instructions at BB
instructionsRenameAtBB curbbid
-- | Rename Phi nodes of children in CFG
let cfgChildrenIDs = getImmediateChildren cfg curbbid
forM_ cfgChildrenIDs (variableRenamePhiNodes curbbid)
let domTreeChildrenIDs = getImmediateChildren domtree curbbid
forM_ domTreeChildrenIDs (\childid -> do
variableRenameAtBB cfg domtree childid)
resetVarMappings parentctx
return ()
-- | Rename variables to be unique in the function.
lowerMemToReg :: CFG -- ^ The CFG for the program.
-> DomTree -- ^Dominator tree for the program.
-> IRBBId -- ^Entry BBId
-> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -- ^Function
-> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
lowerMemToReg cfg domtree entrybbid bbmap =
ctxBBMap $ execState (variableRenameAtBB cfg domtree entrybbid) initctx where
initctx :: VariableRenameContext
initctx = VariableRenameContext { ctxBBMap=bbmap,
transformMem2Reg :: IRProgram -> IRProgram
transformMem2Reg program@Program{programBBMap=bbmap,
programEntryBBId=entrybbid} =
(Program {programBBMap=bbmapReg, programEntryBBId=entrybbid}) where
cfg :: CFG
cfg = mkCFG bbmap
bbIdToDomSet :: BBIdToDomSet
bbIdToDomSet = constructBBDominators program
domtree :: DomTree
domtree = constructDominatorTree bbIdToDomSet entrybbid
bbmapWithPhi :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
bbmapWithPhi = (placePhiNodes_ cfg domtree) $ bbmap
bbmapReg = (lowerMemToReg cfg domtree entrybbid) bbmapWithPhi