Memory to Register, or, how to get to SSA

Equivalent LLVM passes

SROA is strictly more powerful that mem2reg, since it can break up arrays and structures into SSA form. However, the core algorithm remains the same.


{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module TransformMem2Reg(constructDominatorTree,
    transformMem2Reg) where

import IR
import BaseIR
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified OrderedMap as M
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as PP
import PrettyUtils
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Graph

-- | The control flow graph, which is a graph of basic blocks
type CFG = Graph IRBBId

-- | Get the successors of this basic block
getBBSuccessors :: IRBB -> [IRBBId]
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstTerminal}) = []
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstRet _}) = []
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstBranch next}) = [next]
getBBSuccessors (BasicBlock { bbRetInst = RetInstConditionalBranch _ l r}) = [l, r]

mkCFG :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -> CFG
mkCFG bbMap = Graph (M.foldMapWithKey makeEdges bbMap)  where

    -- Make the edges corresponding to basic block.
    makeEdges :: IRBBId -> IRBB -> [(IRBBId, IRBBId)]
    makeEdges bbid bb = map (\succ -> (bbid, succ)) (getBBSuccessors bb)

-- a dominator tree is a tree of basic blocks
newtype DominatorTree  = Tree IRBB

-- BBId of the root node.
type EntryBBId = IRBBId

-- | Set of nodes that dominate a node.
type DomSet =  S.Set IRBBId

instance Pretty a => Pretty (S.Set a) where
  pretty = pretty . S.toList

-- | Map from a node to the set of nodes that dominate it
type BBIdToDomSet = M.OrderedMap IRBBId DomSet

initialBBIdToDomSet :: EntryBBId ->  -- ^entry BB ID
                  [IRBBId] ->  -- ^All BB IDs
initialBBIdToDomSet entryid ids = M.fromList (mapEntry:mapAllExceptEntry) where
  -- entry block only dominantes itself
  mapEntry :: (IRBBId, DomSet)
  mapEntry = (entryid, S.fromList [entryid])
  -- IDs other than the entry block
  nonEntryIds :: [IRBBId]
  nonEntryIds = filter (/= entryid) ids
  -- list mapping basic block Ids to dominance sets
  mapAllExceptEntry ::  [(IRBBId, DomSet)]
  mapAllExceptEntry =  zip nonEntryIds (repeat allDomSet)
  -- all nodes in the dom set
  allDomSet :: DomSet
  allDomSet = S.fromList ids

-- Get the predecessors of 'BBId' in 'Graph'

dominfoIterate :: EntryBBId -> -- ^Entry node ID
                 CFG -> -- ^Graph of BBs
                 BBIdToDomSet -> -- ^Previous dom info
                 BBIdToDomSet -- ^ New dom info
dominfoIterate entryid cfg prevdominfo =  M.mapWithKey computeNewDom prevdominfo where
  -- For the root node, DomSet_iplus1(root) = root
  -- For a non-root node, DomSet_iplus1(n) = intersect (forall p \in preds(n) DomSet_i(p)) U {n}
  computeNewDom :: IRBBId -> DomSet -> DomSet
  computeNewDom id old = if id == entryid then old else computeNewNonRootDom id
  -- compute the dom set of a node that is not the root
  computeNewNonRootDom :: IRBBId -> DomSet
  computeNewNonRootDom bbid = (combinePredDomSets ((getDoms . preds) bbid)) `S.union` (S.singleton bbid)

  -- predecessors of id
  preds :: IRBBId -> [IRBBId]
  preds bbid = getPredecessors cfg bbid

  -- combine all predecessor dom sets by intersecting them
  combinePredDomSets :: [DomSet] -> DomSet
  combinePredDomSets [] = error "unreachable node in domset"
  combinePredDomSets ds = foldl1 S.intersection ds

  -- get dominators of ids
  getDoms :: [IRBBId] -> [DomSet]
  getDoms bbids = map (prevdominfo M.!) bbids

getFirstAdjacentEqual :: Eq a => [a] -> a
getFirstAdjacentEqual as = fst . head $ dropWhile (\(a, a') -> a /= a') (zip as (tail as))

-- Map each basic block to the set of basic blocks that dominates it
constructBBDominators :: IRProgram -> BBIdToDomSet
constructBBDominators program = getFirstAdjacentEqual iterations where
    -- iterations of domInfoIterate applied
    iterations :: [BBIdToDomSet]
    iterations = iterate (dominfoIterate entryid cfg) initdominfo

    -- graph structure
    cfg :: CFG
    cfg =  mkCFG (programBBMap program)

    -- seed constructBBDominators
    initdominfo :: BBIdToDomSet
    initdominfo = initialBBIdToDomSet entryid bbids

    -- ID of the root node
    entryid :: IRBBId
    entryid = programEntryBBId program

    -- list of all basic block IDs
    bbids :: [IRBBId]
    bbids = M.keys (programBBMap program)

data DomTreeContext = DomTreeContext {
  ctxBBIdToDomSet :: BBIdToDomSet,
  ctxEntryId :: EntryBBId

-- | Returns the dominators of BBId
getBBDominators :: IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext DomSet
getBBDominators bbid = do
  bbIdToDomSet <- reader ctxBBIdToDomSet
  return $ bbIdToDomSet M.! bbid

-- | Returns the struct dominators of BBId
getBBStrictDominators :: IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext DomSet
getBBStrictDominators bbid = S.filter (/= bbid) <$> (getBBDominators bbid)

-- | Returns whether y dominates x
doesDominate :: IRBBId -> IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext Bool
doesDominate x y = do
    bbIdToDomSet <- reader ctxBBIdToDomSet
    return $ x `S.member` (bbIdToDomSet M.! y)

-- | Run a forall in a traversable for a monadic context
allTraversable :: (Foldable t, Traversable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m Bool) -> m Bool
allTraversable ta mpred = (foldl (&&) True) <$> (forM ta mpred)

-- | Return if the BBId is dominated by all bbs *other than itself* in others
isDominatedByAllOthers :: [IRBBId] -> IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext Bool
isDominatedByAllOthers others self =
  allTraversable others(\other -> if other == self then return True
                                                    else doesDominate other self)

-- | Returns the immediate dominator if present, otherwise returns Nothing
getImmediateDominator :: IRBBId -> Reader DomTreeContext (Maybe IRBBId)
getImmediateDominator bbid = do
    entryid <- reader ctxEntryId
    if entryid == bbid then
      return Nothing
    else do
            strictDoms <- S.toList <$> getBBStrictDominators bbid
            idoms <-  filterM (isDominatedByAllOthers strictDoms) strictDoms
            case idoms of
                    [idom] -> return (Just idom)
                    [] -> return Nothing
                    _ -> error $ "*** found more than one idom:\n" ++ show (prettyableToString idoms)

foldMapM :: (Foldable t, Monad m, Monoid r) => t a -> (a -> m r) -> m r
foldMapM ta mfn = foldM (\monoid a -> (monoid Monoid.<>) <$> (mfn a)) mempty ta

-- newtype DomTree = DomTree { domTreeEdges :: [(BBId, BBId)] }
type DomTree = Graph IRBBId

-- | internal reader that is not exported
createDominatorTree_ :: Reader DomTreeContext DomTree
createDominatorTree_ = do
  bbs <- reader (M.keys . ctxBBIdToDomSet)
  idoms <- foldMapM bbs (\bb -> do
                              mIdom <- getImmediateDominator bb
                              case mIdom of
                                Just idom -> return [(idom, bb)]
                                Nothing -> return [])
  return $ Graph idoms

-- | Construct the Dominator tree from the dominator sets and the entry BB
constructDominatorTree :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId DomSet -> EntryBBId -> DomTree
constructDominatorTree bbidToDomSet entrybb  = runReader createDominatorTree_ (DomTreeContext bbidToDomSet entrybb)

-- | The `dominates` relation. Given two BB Ids, returns whether `a` dominates `b`
dominates :: DomTree -> IRBBId -> IRBBId -> Bool
dominates tree a b = b `elem` (getAllChildren tree a)

-- | Strictly dominates relation. `A` strictlyDom `B` iff `A` Dom `B` and `A` /= `B`
strictlyDominates :: DomTree -> IRBBId -> IRBBId -> Bool
strictlyDominates domtree a b = dominates domtree a b && a /= b

-- | Get the list of dominance frontiers of a given BB
-- | "The dominance frontier of a node d is the set of all nodes n such that d
-- |  dominates an immediate predecessor of n, but d does not strictly dominate
-- |  n. It is the set of nodes where d's dominance stops."
-- | TODO: think anbout why *an immediate preceseeor*, not *all immediate ...*.
getDominanceFrontier :: DomTree -> CFG -> IRBBId -> [IRBBId]
getDominanceFrontier tree@(Graph domedges) cfg cur =
  [bb | bb <- vertices tree, any (dominates tree cur) (preds bb) , not (strictlyDominates tree cur bb)] where
  preds bb = (getPredecessors cfg bb)

-- Get the names of all values allocated in a basic block
getBBVarUses :: IRBB -> [Label Inst]
getBBVarUses (BasicBlock{bbInsts=bbInsts}) =
  bbInsts >>= \(Named name inst) -> case inst of
                                        InstAlloc -> [name]
                                        InstStore (ValueInstRef slot) _ -> [slot]
                                        _ -> []

-- | Adjust possibly many keys
adjustWithKeys :: (Ord k, Foldable t) => (k -> a -> a) -> t k -> M.OrderedMap k a -> M.OrderedMap k a
adjustWithKeys f ks m = foldl (\m k -> M.adjustWithKey f k m) m ks

unsafeToNonEmpty :: [a] -> NE.NonEmpty a
unsafeToNonEmpty [] = error "unable to convert empty list to non empty"
unsafeToNonEmpty (x:xs) = x NE.:| xs

-- | For a given basic block, insert a phi node at the top
insertPhiNodeCallback_ :: CFG -> Label Inst -> IRBBId -> IRBB -> IRBB
insertPhiNodeCallback_ cfg lbl bbid bb@(BasicBlock{..}) =
    bb {bbInsts=bbInsts'} where
    bbInsts' :: [Named Inst]
    bbInsts' = (lbl =:= phi):bbInsts

    phi :: Inst
    phi = InstPhi . unsafeToNonEmpty $ (zip ((getPredecessors cfg bbid)) (repeat (ValueInstRef lbl)))

-- | Place Phi nodes for a given instruction at a set of start CFGs. Initially, they should be the
-- |  set of nodes that store to the original value
placePhiNodesForAlloc_ :: Label Inst -- ^Name of the original value
                          -> S.Set IRBBId -- ^BBs to process
                          -> S.Set IRBBId -- ^BBs that are already processed
                          -> CFG -- ^The CFG of the function
                          -> DomTree -- ^The dominator tree of the function
                          -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -- ^Function body
                          -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
placePhiNodesForAlloc_ name curbbs processed cfg domtree bbmap =
    if null (curbbs)
    then bbmap
    else (placePhiNodesForAlloc_ name curbbs' processed' cfg domtree bbmap')  where
                cur :: IRBBId
                cur = S.elemAt 0 curbbs

                -- | For every basic block in the dominance frontier, insert a phi node.
                bbmap' :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
                bbmap' = adjustWithKeys (insertPhiNodeCallback_ cfg name) curfrontier bbmap

                curbbs' :: S.Set IRBBId
                curbbs' = (curbbs `S.union` curfrontier) S.\\ processed'

                curfrontier ::  S.Set IRBBId
                curfrontier = (S.fromList $ getDominanceFrontier domtree cfg cur) S.\\ processed'

                processed' :: S.Set IRBBId
                processed' = (S.insert cur processed)

                debugStr :: String
                debugStr = docToString $ pretty "running for: " <+> pretty name <+> pretty "curbbs: " <+> pretty curbbs <+> pretty "cur: " <+> pretty cur <+> pretty "frontiner: " <+> pretty curfrontier

mapReverse :: (Pretty k, Pretty a, Ord k, Ord a) => M.OrderedMap k [a] -> M.OrderedMap a [k]
mapReverse m = M.fromListWith (++) [(a, [k]) | (k, as) <- M.toList m, a <- as]

-- References:
placePhiNodes_ :: CFG -> DomTree -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
placePhiNodes_ cfg domtree initbbmap =
    M.foldlWithKey (\curbbmap name bbids -> placePhiNodesForAlloc_ name (S.fromList bbids) mempty cfg domtree curbbmap) initbbmap usesToBBIds  where
      bbIdToUses :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId [Label Inst]
      bbIdToUses = fmap getBBVarUses initbbmap

      usesToBBIds :: M.OrderedMap (Label Inst) [IRBBId]
      usesToBBIds = mapReverse bbIdToUses

-- | Find wherever this variable is "declared". An Alloca or a Phi node is considered a declare
getVarDeclBBIds :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -> M.OrderedMap (Label Inst) [IRBBId]
getVarDeclBBIds bbs = M.fromListWith (++) $ do
    (k :: IRBBId , bb) <- M.toList bbs
    inst <- bbInsts bb
    guard $ isDeclInst_ inst

    return (namedName inst, [k])
        isDeclInst_ :: Named Inst  -> Bool
        isDeclInst_ (Named instname inst) = case inst of
                                                InstAlloc -> True
                                                InstPhi _ -> True
                                                _ -> False
-- | Rename all instructions in a basic block
renameInstsInBB :: Label Inst -- ^Old label
                 -> Label Inst -- ^New label
                 -> IRBB -- ^Basic Block to replace in
                 -> IRBB
renameInstsInBB oldl newl (bb@BasicBlock{bbInsts=bbInsts}) = bb {
    bbInsts=map replaceLabel bbInsts
} where
    replaceLabel (Named lbl inst) = let lbl' = if lbl == oldl then newl else lbl
                                    in (Named lbl'  (replaceInstRef_ inst))

    -- | Replace references to label in Inst
    replaceInstRef_ :: Inst -> Inst
    replaceInstRef_ inst = mapInstValue replaceValueInstRef_ inst

    replaceValueInstRef_ :: Value -> Value
    replaceValueInstRef_ (ValueInstRef lbl) =
        let lbl' = if lbl == oldl then newl else lbl in ValueInstRef lbl'
    replaceValueInstRef_ v = v

-- | Rename all instructions in the dom-set of a basic block
renameInstsInDomSet :: Label Inst -- ^Original label
                   -> Label Inst -- ^New label
                   -> BBIdToDomSet -- ^Dominator sets
                   -> IRBBId -- ^ID to BB to start from
                   -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
                   -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
renameInstsInDomSet l l' bbIdToDomSet bbid bbmap =
    adjustWithKeys renamer domset bbmap where
        domset :: S.Set IRBBId
        domset = bbIdToDomSet M.! bbid

        renamer :: IRBBId -> IRBB -> IRBB
        renamer _ bb = renameInstsInBB l l' bb

-- -- | Take a map and create a unique mapping from a key to each value.
-- -- | Hold the old key in the place where the new key maps to
-- -- | Take a map and create a unique mapping from a key to each value
-- uniquifyKeys :: Ord k => (Int -> k -> k) -> M.OrderedMap k [a] -> M.OrderedMap k (k, a)
-- uniquifyKeys uniqf m = M.fromList $ M.foldMapWithKey (uniqifyPerKey_ uniqf) m where
--     uniqifyPerKey_ :: (Int -> k -> k) -> k -> [a] -> [(k, (k, a))]
--     uniqifyPerKey_ uniqf k as = foldMap (uniqifyPerKeyVal_ uniqf k) (zip [1..] as)
--     uniqifyPerKeyVal_ :: (Int -> k -> k) -> k -> (Int, a) -> [(k, (k, a))]
--     uniqifyPerKeyVal_ uniqf k (i, a) =  [(uniqf i k, (k, a))]

data VariableRenameContext = VariableRenameContext {
  -- | Map a name to the latest value that was stored in it.
  -- | This is used to collapse load / store in a BB.
  ctxVarToLatestStoreVal :: M.OrderedMap (Label Inst) Value,
  -- | Function
  ctxBBMap :: M.OrderedMap (IRBBId) IRBB
instance Pretty VariableRenameContext where
    pretty (VariableRenameContext{..}) =
        vcat [pretty "vartoval:", pretty ctxVarToLatestStoreVal]

-- -- | Bump up the count of a variable.
-- bumpUpCount :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext ()
-- bumpUpCount name = do
--   varToCount <- gets ctxVarToCount
--   -- If a value exists, bump it up. Otherwise set to 0
--   let count' = M.insertWith (\new old -> old + 1) name 0 varToCount
--   modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToCount=count'})
-- -- | Get the count of a variable.
-- getVarCount :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext Int
-- getVarCount name = do
--     modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToCount = M.insertWith (\new old -> old) name 0 (ctxVarToCount ctx)})
--     count <- gets (\ctx -> case M.lookup name (ctxVarToCount ctx) of
--                                 Just c -> c
--                                 Nothing -> error . docToString $ pretty "getVarCount, unknown name:" <+>  pretty name)
--     return count

-- getLatestName :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext (Label Inst)
-- getLatestName name = do
--     count <- getVarCount name
--     return $ Label $ (unLabel name) ++ ".renamed." ++ show count

-- | Function to rename value based on the current rename counts
-- | If there is a value remapping from a "store", then use that
-- | If there is no remapping, then don't care
-- renameValue_ :: Value -> State VariableRenameContext Value
-- renameValue_ v@(ValueConstInt _) = return v
-- renameValue_ (ValueInstRef name) = do
--     varToValue <- gets ctxVarToLatestStoreVal
--     case M.lookup name varToValue of
--       Just val -> return val
--       Nothing -> ValueInstRef <$> getLatestName name
-- NOTE: this is a hack. The correct thing to do is to replace everything in the
-- BB that refers to this value.
renameStoredValue_ :: Value -> State VariableRenameContext Value
renameStoredValue_ v@(ValueConstInt _) = return v
renameStoredValue_ orig@(ValueInstRef name) = do
    varToValue <- gets ctxVarToLatestStoreVal
    case M.lookup name varToValue of
      Just val -> do
                    if orig == val
                    then return val
                    else renameStoredValue_ val
      Nothing -> return orig

getLatestStoredValue_ :: Label Inst -> State VariableRenameContext Value
getLatestStoredValue_ lbl = gets (\ctx -> (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx) M.! lbl)

-- | Rename bindings in the RHS of an instruction.
variableRenameInstRHS :: Inst -> State VariableRenameContext Inst
variableRenameInstRHS inst = forInstValue renameStoredValue_  inst

-- | Rename bindings in the LHS of an instruction
-- variableRenameInstLHS :: Named Inst -> State VariableRenameContext (Named Inst)
-- variableRenameInstLHS namedInst@(Named name inst) = do
--    bumpUpCount name
--    curValToCount <- gets ctxVarToCount
--    name' <- getLatestName name
--    return (Named name' inst)

-- | Rename RHS & LHS of an instruction correctly
-- | Can return [] for instructions to be omitted
variableRenameInst :: Named Inst -> State VariableRenameContext [Named Inst]
variableRenameInst namedinst@(Named name inst) = do
    case inst of
        InstStore (ValueInstRef slot) val -> do
          valNamed <- renameStoredValue_ val
          modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=M.insert slot valNamed (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx)})
          return []

        InstLoad (ValueInstRef slot) -> do
          loadedval <- getLatestStoredValue_ slot
          modify (\ctx -> ctx {ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=M.insert name loadedval (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx)})
          return []

        -- | For a phi node, all predecessors should map to phi node name.
        -- | We have already rewritten the values incoming to the phi node,
        -- | So all we need to do is fix preds.
        InstPhi namebbpairs -> do
            for namebbpairs (\(prevname, prevbbid) ->
                                modify (\ctx -> (ctx {ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=M.insert name  (ValueInstRef name) (ctxVarToLatestStoreVal ctx)})))
            return [namedinst]

        -- | We don't need allocs, so delete them
        InstAlloc -> return []

        _ -> do
          -- | Rename RHS
          (rhsrenamed :: Named Inst) <- forM namedinst variableRenameInstRHS
          -- lhsrenamed <- variableRenameInstLHS rhsrenamed
          return [rhsrenamed]

-- | Rename the return instruction
variableRenameRetInst :: RetInst -> State VariableRenameContext (RetInst)
variableRenameRetInst ret = forRetInstValue renameStoredValue_ ret

-- | Rename phi nodes in bb
variableRenamePhiNodes :: IRBBId -- ^Current BB Id
                          -> IRBBId -- ^Phi node BB Id
                          -> State VariableRenameContext ()
variableRenamePhiNodes curbbid phibbid = do
    varToValue <- gets ctxVarToLatestStoreVal
    phibb <- gets (\ctx -> (ctxBBMap ctx) M.! phibbid)
    phiBBInsts' <- forM (bbInsts phibb) (\(Named name inst) -> (Named name) <$> (phiRenamer curbbid inst))

    let phibb' = phibb {

    modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxBBMap= M.insert phibbid phibb' (ctxBBMap ctx) })
    -- | Rename only phi ndoes leaving other instructions
    phiRenamer :: IRBBId -- ^ Current BB Id
                  -> Inst -- ^Instruction from the child BB
                  -> State VariableRenameContext Inst
    phiRenamer curbbid (InstPhi philist) = InstPhi <$> (renamePhiList curbbid philist)
    phiRenamer _ (inst) = return inst

    -- | Rename bindings in a phi node
    renamePhiList :: IRBBId -- ^ Current BB Id
                     -> NE.NonEmpty (IRBBId, Value) -- ^Phi node parameters
                     -> State VariableRenameContext (NE.NonEmpty (IRBBId, Value))
    renamePhiList curbbid philist =
      forM philist (renamePhiBinding curbbid)
    -- | Rename a single binding in the phi node entry list
    renamePhiBinding :: IRBBId -> (IRBBId, Value) -> State VariableRenameContext (IRBBId, Value)
    renamePhiBinding curbbid (bbid, value) = (bbid,)  <$> stateValue'
        where stateValue' = if bbid == curbbid
                        then renameStoredValue_ value
                        else return value

resetVarMappings :: VariableRenameContext -> State VariableRenameContext ()
resetVarMappings parentctx = modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxVarToLatestStoreVal=ctxVarToLatestStoreVal parentctx })

-- | Rename all instructions and the return instructoin at a given BB
instructionsRenameAtBB :: IRBBId -> State VariableRenameContext ()
instructionsRenameAtBB curbbid = do
  bbmap <- gets ctxBBMap
  modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxBBMap= (ctxBBMap ctx) })
  let curbb = bbmap M.! curbbid
  bbInsts' <- mconcat <$> for (bbInsts curbb) variableRenameInst

  bbRetInst' <- variableRenameRetInst (bbRetInst curbb)

  let curbb' = curbb { bbInsts = bbInsts', bbRetInst = bbRetInst' }
  let bbmap' = M.insert curbbid curbb' bbmap

  modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxBBMap=bbmap' })

-- 1. rename instructions
-- 2. rename phi nodes of children in CFG
-- 3. follow process into children of dominator tree
-- TODO: fold current BBId into the state or something, this is a HUGE mess.
-- | Like seriously, I hate myself a little for *writing* this bastard.
variableRenameAtBB :: CFG -> DomTree -> IRBBId -> State VariableRenameContext ()
variableRenameAtBB cfg domtree curbbid = do
  parentctx <- get
  -- | Rename all instructions at BB
  instructionsRenameAtBB curbbid

  -- | Rename Phi nodes of children in CFG
  let cfgChildrenIDs = getImmediateChildren cfg curbbid
  forM_ cfgChildrenIDs (variableRenamePhiNodes curbbid)

  let domTreeChildrenIDs = getImmediateChildren domtree curbbid
  forM_ domTreeChildrenIDs (\childid -> do
                                  variableRenameAtBB cfg domtree childid)
  resetVarMappings parentctx
  return ()

-- | Rename variables to be unique in the function.
lowerMemToReg :: CFG  -- ^ The CFG for the program.
                   -> DomTree -- ^Dominator tree for the program.
                   -> IRBBId -- ^Entry BBId
                   -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB -- ^Function
                   -> M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
lowerMemToReg cfg domtree entrybbid bbmap =
    ctxBBMap $ execState (variableRenameAtBB cfg domtree entrybbid) initctx where
      initctx :: VariableRenameContext
      initctx = VariableRenameContext { ctxBBMap=bbmap,

transformMem2Reg :: IRProgram -> IRProgram
transformMem2Reg program@Program{programBBMap=bbmap,
                           programEntryBBId=entrybbid} =
    (Program {programBBMap=bbmapReg, programEntryBBId=entrybbid}) where
      cfg :: CFG
      cfg =  mkCFG bbmap

      bbIdToDomSet :: BBIdToDomSet
      bbIdToDomSet = constructBBDominators program

      domtree :: DomTree
      domtree = constructDominatorTree bbIdToDomSet entrybbid

      bbmapWithPhi :: M.OrderedMap IRBBId IRBB
      bbmapWithPhi = (placePhiNodes_ cfg domtree) $ bbmap

      bbmapReg = (lowerMemToReg cfg domtree entrybbid) bbmapWithPhi